Adventure Time: The Original Cartoon Title Cards (Vol 1) : The Original Cartoon Title Cards Seasons 1 & 2 Spiral-Bound | September 23, 2014

Pendleton Ward

$25.07 - Free Shipping
The first of two beautifully lavish books created to celebrate the distinctive designs behind the Adventure Time title cards. Combining sketches, works in progress, revisions and final title card art, the book will take readers on a visual guide of the title card development, with quotes from each episode and commentary from the artists – Pendleton Ward, Pat McHale, Nick Jennings, Phil Rynda, and Paul Linsley.
Publisher: Penguin Random House
Original Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 112 pages
ISBN-10: 1783292873
Item Weight: 1.9 lbs
Dimensions: 11.5 x 0.7 x 9.0 inches

“I’d suggest you pick it up and gaze at the beautiful pages, smell it while that new book smell lasts and find a proper place on your table for quick browsing.” - Watch Play Read

"Features absolutely gorgeous illustrations and artwork by its creators." - She Movie Geek 

"Simply a beautiful art book" - Mugglenet

"A cool gift" - Strange Kids Club

"Whether you’re just flipping through it to pass the time, or delving deep into each title card, you’ll enjoy every minute of it." - Rotoscopers

"Adventure Time: The Original Cartoon Title Cards is made to grace the coffee table of any animation lover who’d care to have it." -  The Young Folks

"A terrific book that will give you a beautifully guided tour of all the incredible title cards for the animated series." - Bio Gamer Girl 

"Gorgeous pieces of art." - City of Films 

"Full of odd and wonderful charm, cover to cover." - Junkyard arts

"Gorgeous." -

"Chocked full of trivia tidbits"  - HitFix

A graduate of the CalArts Animation Program, Pendleton Ward is an American animator, screenwriter and producer, and creator of the 3-time Emmy-nominatedAdventure Time