"As someone who has kept ducks off and on my entire life I find it bewildering that they are often overlooked as candidates for the home flock. They can be easy to keep, prolific egg layers and endlessly amusing to have around. Lisa and I share equally our enthusiasm for ducks and her book sets the homeowner on the right path providing both the knowledge and confidence for success." —P. Allen Smith, host of PBS's Garden Home
"If you're ready to move from the wonderful world of backyard chicken-keeping to raising ducks, you couldn't ask for a better friend and mentor to have by your side than Lisa Steele. With the care and attention she gives every member of her flock and the sage advice she passes along to the poultry community, any bird in her care is, well, a lucky duck." —Rachael Brugger, Managing Editor, HobbyFarms.com and UrbanFarmOnline.com
“I have a duck and goose farm and sell hundreds of thousands of ducklings and goslings a year – yet I found Lisa's book fascinating and couldn't put it down! Great description of ducks and their lives, evident hands-on knowledge, fantastic suggestions, very practical recommendations, and charming observations of her ducks and their actions. This book provides not only the necessary how-tos, but the equally important Laugh and Enjoy Your Ducks chapters. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is considering a quack, a splash, and an entertainer in their back yard or on their farm.” —John Metzer, owner, Metzer Farms Hatchery
“When it comes to ducks, Lisa Steele knows her stuff, offering up the insight and advice you will need to raise happy, healthy ducks. Whether you're nurturing ducklings or wondering what to do with your windfall of duck eggs, Steele's book offers gentle guidance on the art and science of keeping these beautiful, rewarding animals.” —Felicia Feaster, Editor-in-Chief, HGTV Gardens