This book will help you understand that being prophetic, and knowing God’s mind and will, is your personal calling as a Christian.
God speaks every day. You have a responsibility to listen.
The church is in a critical season. There are unprecedented crises in every segment of the world, and ungodly opinions and philosophies abound. The war over truth is raging as the idea of maintaining solidarity with Jesus Christ is growing increasingly unpopular.
Since biblical days God has used the prophetic voice during times of crisis, darkness, and disaster to speak into the earth. Knowing and partnering with the thoughts, words, plans, and actions of God are not a path reserved for a select few. Being prophetic should be a priority to all Christians. Leaving the prophetic responsibility to those walking in the office of a prophet is not biblical. God wants to unleash an unprecedented outpouring of His Spirit in the earth and bring in a record-setting harvest of souls.